You Owe Me Glue 2 - 16th, 17th July, Blackfriars

So we're doing it all again, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th of July.
We're having our first rehearsal tonight, which is much, much too close to the show for me, but had to be this way because of cast commitments etc. It's the same cast as before apart from Paul Cumming, who pulled out last night, siting being too busy at work as his reason.
That cuts no ice with me. He is a fucking dead man. Tracksuit. If he thinks he's going to pull out of our fucking show 3 weeks before we're on and walk away with both knackers working, he has a painful reality check coming.
Seriously, this leaves us now with the incredibly difficult task of dividing Paul's parts among the remaining cast members as well as learning new material in about 3 week over a dozen or so rehearsals. We are also short of crew, technical equipment, money and our promoter is away on holiday, so can't fix the many errors he has made in terms of pricing and billing the show.
Can the Glue Crew pull it off? Watch this space...